About Pathfinder

It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.

Our approach

Our inclusive, action-focused approach delivers first-rate results, even in the most complex environments.

We have successfully advised organizations across diverse industries, helping them design and implement practical solutions that drive meaningful change. We are on a mission to navigate organizations toward more effective, prosperous, and inclusive workplaces. By prioritizing your most important asset—your people—we transform innovative practices into standard operations, ensuring that our people-centric solutions set the benchmark for excellence in our industry.

Our employee lifecycle

At Pathfinder, we use the employee lifecycle as the cornerstone of our approach, ensuring a comprehensive talent strategy.

By focusing on each stage we provide holistic solutions that enhance every aspect of the employee experience. This methodology guarantees that our strategies are aligned with your organization's goals, fostering a thriving and resilient workforce.

Deconstructing DEI

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are fundamental to fostering innovation and growth.

Our DEI engagements are designed to help organizations break down barriers, cultivate inclusive cultures, and implement equitable practices. By deconstructing DEI, we provide the insights and tools necessary to create lasting, impactful change within your organization.

The Numbers

di·ver·si·ty | \də-ˈvər-sə-tē, dī-\
the condition of having or being composed of differing elements

The Processes

eq·ui·ty | \ˈe-kwə-tē \
the quality of being fair and impartial; freedom from bias or favoritism

The Experiences

in·clu·sion | \in-ˈklü-zhən \
the act of including; to take in or comprise as a part of a whole or group

Our values

The foundation of our work.

Mission first,
people always 

We maximize impact by investing in people.
We lead with empathy—break barriers, not people.
We commit to the psychological safety of our team and those we engage.

Unified by integrity
and authenticity 

We work together to bring authenticity and unwavering integrity to our engagements.
We know success requires disciplined, inclusive, transparent, and interconnected teams.
We collaborate towards a unified vision grounded in equity.

Relentless pursuit of excellence 

We maintain high standards with a keen focus on execution and delivery, striving for excellence in every detail.
We bring clarity to difficult, messy problems—the hardest are the most important to solve.
We provide thoughtful solutions, implement with rigor, and simplify where we can.


We require respect and communicate to understand, not to persuade.
We practice radical candor to drive continuous growth and strengthen relationships.
We progress when we embrace diverse perspectives and put our egos aside, fostering a culture of inclusion.

“Let’s take care of your people, so your people can take care of the mission.”

Trier Bryant, Founder @ Pathfinder